Gateway Services provides residential services to 31 individuals in our CILA (Community Integrated Living Arrangement) homes. A CILA is a home or apartment building having no more than eight individuals where 24 hour support is provided by staff. Supports are based on an individual’s choices and may include medication administration, cleaning, cooking, personal care, and enjoying shopping, dining, or various events in the community.
We currently provide services in 5 homes, all of which are private-public partnerships where the individuals lease a home from a landlord, and with the help of our consumer benefits advocate, pay their rent to the property manager. A CILA home in Putnam County is in the works.
In addition to the 24 hour staffed homes, Gateway also offers intermittent CILA arrangements. This program allows individuals to reside in a house/apartment of their choosing either alone or with family members. The variety of supports are selected by the individual and usually do not exceed 15 hours per week. A total of 11 individuals currently receive these supports.